
Showing posts from January, 2013

Weight Gain

I've had a tough weekend following MyFitnessPal calories... I exercised a TON on Friday, and had a HUGE meal. Saturday I stayed under my calories, and today I think I'll go over since I just ate a ton of chocolate. I exercised, but got frustrated with my running program... I couldn't do 5 minutes. I tried, but had to tell myself that I can try another day. Back to my weight gain. I've lost 40 pounds, but I stepped on the scale and I'm up a total of 5-6 pounds! I'm discouraged because I've been trying, buy maybe not hard enough. I'm going to hard boil some eggs, and plan my meals better for this coming week. I hope that I can get back on track! I know I can do it, I just can't let little slip ups discourage me from pushing myself to continue to become healthier.


I turned 16 about 7 years ago. That was the only year I remember 16 being a part of my life. Yesterday I wore a pair of 16 jeans. It was an awesome feeling! I am down 40 pounds, and running is helping me shed them more than before. My C25K week 3 day 1 was rough today. I'll keep plugging along for me :)


I LOVE to exercise. Yes, I used to be a couch potato and did limited amounts of exercising. Now, I look forward to working out. With classes resuming I work demanding hours. I decided to do something vastly different than last semester. I'm working out between work and class. As I type this I'm on a machine. So far, I feel great about doing things this way. I can go home and sleep at night instead of squeezing in a workout after. Here's to time management and health!


I have the desire to run. I've never been able to run. During the fitness test for physical education class, I often claimed I forgot my gym clothes to avoid having to run and be embarrassed that I could only run an eight of a mile. I never made up the class because my teacher never made me. I somehow avoided it all together. I want to be able to run a mile, just a mile. I want to prove to myself that I can do it. Today I ran Week 2, Day 1 of this Couch to 5k program. I did the entire 31 minutes, but about 1 minute of the running I had to walk. I felt disappointed in myself, but it's a pretty good start. The first week was pretty rough, but I was able to do it! I'm on to the second week and it's more difficult. I want to be able to run on the beach this summer while I'm on vacation. This is where I want to be running up and down each morning. It's beautiful. My goal is August 2013, that I will be running on this beach.   I want to be able to run a 5k in Se

The beginning

My journey began a LONG time ago. I have a few pictures of me as a child that I can look at and really think, "Wow! I was thin". But most pictures that I have make me very discouraged. This picture is one of them. This was taken during the Summer of 2011. I saw this picture and didn't believe that was me. I looked HUGE! I honestly am not sure what I weigh in this picture, but probably it's close to 256 (which is the weight I started my weight loss journey at). I had started a new job, and was really stressed, which resulted in me overeating. Then we went to the beach during Summer 2012... I looked at this picture and saw how big my face was and the start of a double chin. I was not happy with this picture at all, but it motivated me to make a change. Starting in July I began tracking my food with Spark People. By October I had lost 20 pounds just by watching what I ate and tracking my calories. No exercise at all. I decide to join my local YMCA at the end of