
Showing posts from 2013


With Christmas comes all the people that have moved away coming back for the holidays with their families. I left work early yesterday to just shop. I wanted to look for some deals and I found a few. I also had to stop at my cell phone provider's store to see if they could fix my phone issue with not being able to text my mom. They were of no help. While there I saw a girl I graduated high school with. She was with her parents. I didn't say hi to her because I wanted to get my phone situation taken care of. She looked at me, and looked away. I then went to a store and saw a guy I graduated high school with. He was working and as chance would have he was the cashier that I had to go to. I said hello. He treated me like every other customer. Am I hurt? No. It makes me feel FABULOUS about myself. I am down 86 pounds and people do not recognize me :) I'm ok with that.

The why

I decided to start watching this season's Biggest Loser. Jillian made an interesting comment. She was reminding contestants about why they were there. Why am I on this journey? Why am I working to lose another 30 pounds? Why? 1. I am going to lose this weight to be HEALTHY. Heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, and high cholesterol run in my family. 2. I am going to lose this weight to be happy, confident, and "me". 3. I am going to lose this weight to open doors for future opportunities. 4. I am going to lose this weight for my future family. 5. I am going to lose this weight in order to maintain my weight. How am I going to lose the last 30 pounds? 1. I am going to plan my meals throughout the week. 2. I am going to measure my portions. 3. I am going to work out 3 to 4 times a week (Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday) 4. I am going to get enough sleep. 5. I am going to stop buying chocolate snack bars that tempt me to eat more than 1 serving.

Out of Control

My eating is OUT OF CONTROL! I had every intention of doing really well today. I started my day off right, then had a light lunch, then a workout, and a snack. Dinner is when I just fell off the wagon. I was making 2 portions of pasta that way I had leftovers for lunch to take with me to work... I got out of control and ate 3/4 of the pan. I then wanted something sweet. I had bought something that I shouldn't have and ate two of these fabulous "granola" bars that are more like candy bars. I did throw away this pumpkin bread and cookies that I somehow brought into my house. I know I need to stop putting off getting back on track. I packed my lunch for tomorrow and I packed my breakfast. I am going to stay on track tomorrow. It has been a struggle lately to keep myself accountable for what I choose to eat. I am doing this to myself and I'm going to lose this weight! I have about 30 pounds to go. I CAN and I WILL do this.


This week I've continued to struggle to get to the gym in the morning. My schedule is so hectic that whenever I can sleep in I will. I do not know what I am lacking in motivation or determination to get there. I have found that if I exercise I am more likely to eat well throughout the day. I need to figure out something to get myself back on track in order to meet my weight loss goal. I'm just stuck. Tomorrow is a brand new day, a busy day, but planning again to go work out and enjoy the crazy fitness class bright and early.

Back on track

Today I got up (after hitting the snooze twice) and went to the gym. I went to my favorite fitness class. I felt so much better doing something good for myself. I didn't get a chance to run this morning, but the fitness class was around the track. We did a circuit and then had to run around the track to the next. You had to run past the next station though and back to it. I had someone in the class that I stuck with. It's nice having a partner and pushing each other.

Not purposefully maintaining

The past few weeks have been really rough for weight loss and eating healthy. My semester has been wrapping up and I had a few things to finish to get a "P" and move on to my next internship. My roommate moved out so I have to figure things out more on my own. I've had a hectic schedule and have not made healthy choices in a while. My weight keeps fluctuating between 165 and 170. I know that I'm not doing things right to get my the weight off right now. I'm in a rut and can't get out of it. I should be proud of my weight loss going from 256 pounds to 165-170 pounds, but I really have a goal in mind and I would like to lose at least another 20 to 30 pounds. I need to get back on track. This week I've been pretty depressed resulting in eating comfort foods. I had brownies in my apartment which is not a good idea... They are gone, but I definitely ate a lot of them. I've been lacking in self control to eat well and take the time to pack my lunch. My exe

Half of Me

I took a picture a few weeks ago and my friend told me I looked half the size I used to be... I thought I started at 256 and I now weight 170.4... That's not half. It was put into perspective though the other day. I used to wear a size 24 in my favorite pants... now... a 13/14, but could fit an 11/12. I used to wear a 20 in my favorite jeans... I now wear a 10... I kind of am half the size I used to be. I can't believe where I am today with my weight loss journey. I can't fathom it at all. I look in the mirror and I can't imagine myself 85 pounds ago. I often scroll through my photos and can't believe that's what I used to look like.


Since my last post I am now down 80 pounds. It hasn't been easy to not see the scale drop as quickly as usual. I went on vacation, moved, and went back to school for the semester. It's been hard getting back into the routine of eating well. Convenience is a nice factor, but so unhealthy most of the time. My health has been pretty good. I have been struggling with low blood pressure, but on Sunday I had extremely high blood pressure. It was strange to see the readings, but I could pinpoint that my eating habits most likely affected how high it was. My eating needs to get under control in order for me to be healthy. I took some photos of myself the other day. I was shocked at the difference from about a year ago to where I am today. The picture I was comparing to was even 20 pounds lost! I am shocked at what I look like compared to then. I will upload a picture another day. Confidence is what I wanted to write about. I have more confidence in myself since losing 80 pounds t


I have lost 70 pounds! Last week marked a year  since I started my journey to get to a healthy weight. I doubted myself at times, but I am not going back now! I never imagined that I could stick with watching my calories and making exercise a priority everyday. This week has been a quick weight loss week. I know I haven't been eating enough most of the week, but generally make up by dinner time with calories. Working out has been getting easier. I have been reading, but just finished the book so I need to find another book to read starting tomorrow. I starting running more. I am pushing myself to get fit and healthy. My vacation is coming up, and I can't wait to see the pictures because I will have comparison pictures of one year of this journey.


Typically I have to be careful walking out of the bathroom to my bedroom so my family doesn't get a glimpse of my butt. Well today I discovered that is no longer a problem. I can wrap a towel around me and do not have to worry about my butt sticking out! These little things make me so happy. I have lost 67.8 pounds so far and want to lose another 50 pounds to be at a healthy weight. I increased to 4 days at the gym and started my running program again has been helping me to reach my goal. Eating has been tough lately. I have been so busy that I typically miss breakfast and lunch. I started drinking coffee without anything added to it, and I love it! It has a great taste and I love its zero calories!  A new week starts tomorrow and I need to get a few of my eating habits under control.


I typically weigh myself in the morning but I forgot. I weighed myself when I got home from work and I have hit the 65 pound mark! I feel starting back up running is correlated with my weight loss. Tomorrow will be Day 2 of Week 3 of a couch to 5k program. I am pushing myself to do this for me! I can't imagine myself going back to how I used to live. I'm doing this for my future because my future is grim if I am not healthy. Going to keep working hard at becoming healthy for my future and go against the flow in my household.

Back to running

I took two weeks off from running because my hip was really bothering me. My eating habits have taken a backseat to my whole journey. I have been maintaining between 192.8-195.6. It's not a huge fluctuation, but I want to stay at the lower end. Today I was at 192.8, but I just ate horribly! When I have sweets in the house, I can't stay on target with my calories. I gave up counting them today because I know I went WAY over. I'm struggling to find food that I like that is low in calories and healthy. Packing my lunch needs to be a priority, but I get sick of the same things over and over again. I have to just start over tomorrow. I'm going to run in the morning, well I've gone back to Week 2 of my Couch to 5k training, but I did the whole thing without changing speed on Wednesday. My hip is bothering me, but I am going to run tomorrow. I'm not going to give up, I'm going to keep pushing through. I did it on Wednesday, I can do it again. I'm getting bore


The number 1 signifies a lot to me right now. My weight starts with a 1 for the first time in a long time. I can't believe it. It shows hard work pays off. It is a step in the right direction and I am going to keep going in that direction! Despite hiccups I am not giving up and going back to the weight I was at. I am happier now and am working on becoming a better person inside and out. The happiness definitely comes from God. I ran Week 3 of the C25K this morning. Later I found out about the tragic events at the Boston Marathon. I am shocked and saddened that someone would do such a thing to people who enjoy running and to those simply watching the event. Praying for all those affected by this tragedy.

Before and After... Some progress

The other day I was thinking back to where I started... I never took a starting photo, because I didn't think I'd be blogging about it. I'm amazed at the transformation. I've lost 55 pounds! It's been slow, but I'm glad it's been slow because I'm learning how to eat better (slowly) as well as how to manage my time with work, exercise, and school. This was taken in September. I finally fit in an XL in misses! I was so excited (you can tell by my expression). I fit, but it was a little snug, but I didn't care! It fit and that's what counted in my head. Since September I've lost more and can fit in an XL in Juniors! I'm young and I want to wear younger clothes that make me feel confident in myself. This is me a few days ago. My face is smaller, by arms are smaller, my hands are smaller, and my body is smaller! EVERYTHING is smaller! That outfit was something I didn't think I'd fit into. My loose skin is causing me to feel v

Standing Still

This week has been a rough week in regards to both eating and running. I've made poor choices and am thinking about switching things up a little. I've thought about joining Weight watchers, but it's so expensive!! I'll keep counting calories for free. I've been craving grapes, and finally bought some, but had no calories left to eat them tonight! I keep telling myself that I'll eat more fruits and veggies, but rarely do. A lot of that has to do with my upbringing. Our meals were rarely well rounded (and still aren't). It's something I need to change for me. I have a diagnosed medical condition that has been acting up. I have Sciatica. It's the most annoying pain and sensations. Trying to run makes it act up more. Today I didn't run, but it feels much better. Salonpas are amazing. My doctor recommended them and I feel they are helping. Hopefully I can run strong tomorrow!

Smallest Biggest Size

I love Maurice's. I discovered they carried fashionable plus sizes for my 20th birthday (I think). I've spent the extra money for quality clothes that are fashionable and professional. Tonight I went shopping for a new dress outfit. I went to the small store that only carries "regular" size clothing. I went in with my best friend. I grabbed a few cute things... I found a 15/16 that I didn't think I'd fit and some XL shirts... I tried the shirts on. One fit fabulously! Then I tried the pants on... THEY FIT! A little snug, but I could button them. The smile on my face probably was indescribable. This progress makes me smile.

Can't go back

As my clothes got too big I threw them in the bottom of my wardrobe... That pile became WAY too big and was overflowing. I gave my family some of the stuff I thought they may like, and bagged up the rest to donate. My dresser and wardrobe are very empty now... Makes me want to buy new clothes! However I have a long way to go, and can't keep buying all new clothes over and over. I'm 50 pounds lighter, and I'm not going back! My bad eating this past weekend is catching up though. I need to get back on track. I've been experimenting whether I should eat back the calories I burn, or do without. I'm going to eat them back this week, not in their entirety, but I'm going to try eating them back in fruits, whole grains, and veggies instead of junk (starting tomorrow). A retirement party at one of my favorite restaurants may spoil that tonight.

Week 5

My plan when I decided to run an extra day was to just repeat week 4 again... But then I decided to try week 5 on my couch to 5k program. Initially I thought it was 5 minutes of running, walk, 8 minutes running, walk, and repeat. I was VERY hesitant. But it was actually only 5 minute increments the whole time. Somehow the app acted up, and I think I did 4-5 minute increments even though it only called for 3. I felt awesome after and my calories burned amazed me! The scale has been going up lately, but I feel its because I've been increasing my strength training, and I've eaten poorly 3 days this past week. We'll see what this extra running day will do. No school this week! But I definitely have some catching up on assignments and readings to do.


I have recently found inspiration from a blog that I stumbled upon by chance. I look at it every evening when it's updated and have even been brave enough to try a breakfast concoction of hers. Today though I realized I am an inspiration to those around me. My sister, who we have our good days and bad days, was talking about getting a gym membership today. Our local Y is so expensive, and since we adult children are living at home longer, our base for assistance includes our parents income, it makes it difficult. I have a student membership since I'm still in college, that's affordable for me. I made an agreement with her... She has to download MyFitnessPal and if she can lose 20 pounds by July 1st, I'll pay for a 6 month gym membership to a small gym near home. I don't doubt she can do it at all! I am glad to see that I am an inspiration to my sister, and hopefully my other family members.


I recently had to go for a follow-up on lab work I had done. My fasting blood sugar went from 103 to 87! I was hoping that was the case since type 2 diabetes runs in my family. My bad cholesterol is within normal ranges, my good cholesterol is low, but went up since the last lab work. My doctor was impressed, and I'm encouraged to have her see my results. I'm still Vitamin D deficient, but that is something I can work on with supplements and a little sun if it ever comes out... I was so stuck on week 3 of my couch to 5k. I think I did week 3, 3 or 4 times. I decided to try week 4 which is 16 minutes of running altogether with walking breaks. I was nervous because I struggled when I tried. I slowed the speed down. I struggled Tuesday, but finished it! Today I struggled, but nothing compared to Tuesday. I did it and am going to keep pushing myself.


Now I love the television series "Bones", but it has so many twists and turns! Yet I keep watching it week after week like my calories. I've always been overweight to the best of my knowledge. I don't remember a lot of positives about my body... And the most recent discovery as I have made with my ever changing body are my bones! After losing 40 pounds I can see bones in my hands, feet, wrists, face, neck, chest, back, knees, ankles, and I can feel my hips! It definitely feels weird, but it awesome! Running has been a struggle the past week, but I'm just repeating a week and we'll see where that takes me!

New Scale

I went to the store in search of a new scale. There were quite a few to choose from. I debated over a simple one or maybe one that measured body fat, bmi, hydration, and of course weight. I found one and bought it! It is a little complicated, but once it's set up, it works. Unfortunately I can't weigh my dumbbells to see how accurate it is. It weighed me at 8 pounds less than my o lads scale, which mentally for me is nice! So when I go to the doctor, I'll compare their scale and see.


I hate weighing myself, but I know how important it is for me to do to keep myself accountable. Problem is the scale hasn't budged. I found a way to see how accurate my scale is. I took 2 ten pound dumbbells and weighed them. I'm buying a new scale...

Weight Gain

I've had a tough weekend following MyFitnessPal calories... I exercised a TON on Friday, and had a HUGE meal. Saturday I stayed under my calories, and today I think I'll go over since I just ate a ton of chocolate. I exercised, but got frustrated with my running program... I couldn't do 5 minutes. I tried, but had to tell myself that I can try another day. Back to my weight gain. I've lost 40 pounds, but I stepped on the scale and I'm up a total of 5-6 pounds! I'm discouraged because I've been trying, buy maybe not hard enough. I'm going to hard boil some eggs, and plan my meals better for this coming week. I hope that I can get back on track! I know I can do it, I just can't let little slip ups discourage me from pushing myself to continue to become healthier.


I turned 16 about 7 years ago. That was the only year I remember 16 being a part of my life. Yesterday I wore a pair of 16 jeans. It was an awesome feeling! I am down 40 pounds, and running is helping me shed them more than before. My C25K week 3 day 1 was rough today. I'll keep plugging along for me :)


I LOVE to exercise. Yes, I used to be a couch potato and did limited amounts of exercising. Now, I look forward to working out. With classes resuming I work demanding hours. I decided to do something vastly different than last semester. I'm working out between work and class. As I type this I'm on a machine. So far, I feel great about doing things this way. I can go home and sleep at night instead of squeezing in a workout after. Here's to time management and health!


I have the desire to run. I've never been able to run. During the fitness test for physical education class, I often claimed I forgot my gym clothes to avoid having to run and be embarrassed that I could only run an eight of a mile. I never made up the class because my teacher never made me. I somehow avoided it all together. I want to be able to run a mile, just a mile. I want to prove to myself that I can do it. Today I ran Week 2, Day 1 of this Couch to 5k program. I did the entire 31 minutes, but about 1 minute of the running I had to walk. I felt disappointed in myself, but it's a pretty good start. The first week was pretty rough, but I was able to do it! I'm on to the second week and it's more difficult. I want to be able to run on the beach this summer while I'm on vacation. This is where I want to be running up and down each morning. It's beautiful. My goal is August 2013, that I will be running on this beach.   I want to be able to run a 5k in Se

The beginning

My journey began a LONG time ago. I have a few pictures of me as a child that I can look at and really think, "Wow! I was thin". But most pictures that I have make me very discouraged. This picture is one of them. This was taken during the Summer of 2011. I saw this picture and didn't believe that was me. I looked HUGE! I honestly am not sure what I weigh in this picture, but probably it's close to 256 (which is the weight I started my weight loss journey at). I had started a new job, and was really stressed, which resulted in me overeating. Then we went to the beach during Summer 2012... I looked at this picture and saw how big my face was and the start of a double chin. I was not happy with this picture at all, but it motivated me to make a change. Starting in July I began tracking my food with Spark People. By October I had lost 20 pounds just by watching what I ate and tracking my calories. No exercise at all. I decide to join my local YMCA at the end of