
Showing posts from June, 2013


Typically I have to be careful walking out of the bathroom to my bedroom so my family doesn't get a glimpse of my butt. Well today I discovered that is no longer a problem. I can wrap a towel around me and do not have to worry about my butt sticking out! These little things make me so happy. I have lost 67.8 pounds so far and want to lose another 50 pounds to be at a healthy weight. I increased to 4 days at the gym and started my running program again has been helping me to reach my goal. Eating has been tough lately. I have been so busy that I typically miss breakfast and lunch. I started drinking coffee without anything added to it, and I love it! It has a great taste and I love its zero calories!  A new week starts tomorrow and I need to get a few of my eating habits under control.


I typically weigh myself in the morning but I forgot. I weighed myself when I got home from work and I have hit the 65 pound mark! I feel starting back up running is correlated with my weight loss. Tomorrow will be Day 2 of Week 3 of a couch to 5k program. I am pushing myself to do this for me! I can't imagine myself going back to how I used to live. I'm doing this for my future because my future is grim if I am not healthy. Going to keep working hard at becoming healthy for my future and go against the flow in my household.

Back to running

I took two weeks off from running because my hip was really bothering me. My eating habits have taken a backseat to my whole journey. I have been maintaining between 192.8-195.6. It's not a huge fluctuation, but I want to stay at the lower end. Today I was at 192.8, but I just ate horribly! When I have sweets in the house, I can't stay on target with my calories. I gave up counting them today because I know I went WAY over. I'm struggling to find food that I like that is low in calories and healthy. Packing my lunch needs to be a priority, but I get sick of the same things over and over again. I have to just start over tomorrow. I'm going to run in the morning, well I've gone back to Week 2 of my Couch to 5k training, but I did the whole thing without changing speed on Wednesday. My hip is bothering me, but I am going to run tomorrow. I'm not going to give up, I'm going to keep pushing through. I did it on Wednesday, I can do it again. I'm getting bore