
Showing posts from 2017


It's been a while since I've sat down and really thought about my goals for the next 6 months. I like to have goals, but it's been a little hectic the past year. Getting engaged, married, and buying a house in 11 months! Crazy I know, but God was in all of it. My life is far from perfect, and my walk with God hasn't been the strongest lately. I've let outside circumstances really control things, which is not like me. So my goals for the next 6 months are a mash of a lot of things. 1. Start running AGAIN! I miss it. My body misses it. It's going to be so challenging to start again, but I need to do it. 2. Eat healthy... I've lost touch with reality. From health issues to laziness and excuses I've kind of lost touch with healthy eating. I know I eat too many carbs... But I just love them! I'm slowly working on healthier choices and with running and healthy choices I know I'll feel better about myself. 3. Get back on track with Godly habits:


A lot has happened since I last posted in April! We bought a house!!! It's a work in progress and definitely has been worth it though. We almost have our living room in one piece! Just some wainscoting and shiplap for a wall. It's been a good experience. We still have 4 rooms to work on. Some are just paint others are more wallpaper stripping 😰... My weight loss journey hasn't been going well. I'm at a bad place where I lost sight of my new lifestyle. Today has started off much better than the past. I took the day off work. I made eggs and sausage for breakfast and am enjoying a protein shake for lunch. We have dinner plans so I'm trying to behave a little bit this morning/ afternoon so I can thoroughly enjoy dinner. I'm considering today a starting over point. It's gotta happen for me to be happy. Is it going to be hard.... Yep. But will it be worth it.... Yes!

Spring may have arrived

I know few people read my blog because I'm not very consistent in blogging in general. I hope I don't overshare. My last post in November was the start of a pretty bad downward spiral. Depression creeped up on me. I tried to just do what I know works, but nothing worked. I had no motivation to exercise in general or eat well. The scale is not my friend right now, but that was my own fault. I ate too much, didn't move enough, and didn't think that I'd be where I am today. My lowest weight was 156 pounds, and I wasn't happy there. My "happy weight" is about 168-175. I've gained about 30-35 pounds above that happy weight. It's been discouraging. Anxiety has been through the roof and the only way I've been dealing with it is laying down and sleeping. I'm shutting people out, not socializing at all. Last week I had some pretty scary side effects to a medication millions of women take everyday in one form or another. I was having pretty s