
Have you ever caught yourself comparing yourself to everyone around you? I know I have. I've compared myself from a very young age. When I was young I lived in a trailer... Often people would judge people who lived in a trailer, calling them "trailer trash". We didn't have much growing up. I never really had the fanciest clothes, name brand clothes, or the newest gadgets. I'd compare my weight, athletic ability, intelligence, where I was at in life, my personality, my talents, and my financial situation.

Problem is this comparison trap is still ingrained into us as human beings. We want the next best thing. We want the newest laptop, the newest cell phone, the newest tablet, the newest car, the newest tv, the newest furniture, the newest bike, the newest fad, the newest "you fill in the blank". We want a different name, a new family, a new home, new friends, a new school, new teachers, etc.

Even to this day, I get stuck wanting to be thinner, more athletic, more attractive, more financially stable, more outgoing, etc. With some things I'm ok with not comparing. I like my old late 2007 MacBook. It barely works anymore, but I love it. Too bad I can't find my 2nd Generation iPod that matches it. I don't need the latest and greatest gadgets, but I want to feel secure in who I am. The past 3 weeks I've been experiencing anxiety and it's been hard to overcome. I've been eating poorly for a while now and have gained weight back, which disappoints me, but it's all a roller coaster. Weight loss is a life long journey. I just have to get back at it in a more consistent manner. I need to stop comparing myself to others because I'm never going to be perfect and I'm always going to struggle with my weight. I need to learn to be content with where God has me right now.


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