Well what I had told myself would never happened has happened...

 ... I've gained weight back. At my lowest I weighed right about 156 pounds, which was about a 100 pound weight loss. Well I'm back up to 177 pounds, but as someone in my life keeps telling me, "Don't think about the weight you gained back. Think about the weight you've lost". So considering my starting weight was 256 pounds, I'm down 79 pounds all on my own without supplements, gimmicks, etc.

With a 21 pound weight gain I haven't noticed it too much, except for some of my clothes don't fit too well and my body in the mirror makes me cringe a little. Vacation is coming up and I need to fit in my summer clothes. I can do it. I just can't beat myself up over making mistakes and getting out of routine. Depression has been pretty rough lately and anxiety has somewhat subsided. It's still rough some days when I think too much about things going on in my life. Things in my life are pretty good, minus some situations out of my control that I will never understand in this life, but I have hope that God will work though all of it despite the pain.

So today I ate pretty good (minus the no bake and maybe a small brownie), but that's progress from the beginning of the month. June is NO ICE CREAM Month.... I might die... I did have a little, but my partner in crime let me have some ;)

Today I worked out in my own house for probably 30 minutes. It was hard, I'm not going to lie, but it was worth it. Planks are not my friend right now... I tried, but worked very hard to do it. I didn't do the whole 60 seconds, but some is better than none. I think in combination I did about 100 squats, 100 Jumping Jacks and various exercises in between.... I'll be sore tomorrow. I'm getting up and going to Zumba even it if kills me. I might even go for a walk tonight, which will also be a good step in the right direction.

Don't give up, because I'm not giving up. Is it going to be difficult? Yes. Will it be difficult when the scale doesn't move? Yes. Will I want to give in and eat everything? Yes. But it's all about balance.


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