Spring may have arrived

I know few people read my blog because I'm not very consistent in blogging in general. I hope I don't overshare.

My last post in November was the start of a pretty bad downward spiral. Depression creeped up on me. I tried to just do what I know works, but nothing worked. I had no motivation to exercise in general or eat well. The scale is not my friend right now, but that was my own fault. I ate too much, didn't move enough, and didn't think that I'd be where I am today. My lowest weight was 156 pounds, and I wasn't happy there. My "happy weight" is about 168-175. I've gained about 30-35 pounds above that happy weight. It's been discouraging. Anxiety has been through the roof and the only way I've been dealing with it is laying down and sleeping. I'm shutting people out, not socializing at all.

Last week I had some pretty scary side effects to a medication millions of women take everyday in one form or another. I was having pretty scary headaches, a ton of water retention, loss of feeling in my feet, and my legs were to put in simple ginormous. I went to my doctor and expressed the mood changes, the weight gain, the uncomfortable water retention. She was less than helpful. She asked what medication I wanted to change to (I thought she was the doctor), if I needed something to help with my mood (Ummm yes I have a history of depression, but it didn't start until after you added this medication to my regimen), and lastly because of the weight gain asked if I wanted a diet pill to get started (ummm no thank you). I left the office more discouraged than when I got there because I was hoping she'd say let's send you for some tests, not just the typical lab work. She didn't take my concerns seriously at all. Oh but she's going to check my thyroid, which could be a part of the problem. I don't know.

My husband, who has been so supportive through all of this, and I talked about what he's noticed and decided mutually that this lovely medication isn't worth the side effects I had been experiencing. The side effects since last week have lessened. It's only been a few days without medication, but I'm feeling positive about all of it. I lost about 3 pounds one morning just from the water retention. My legs look "normal". I'm definitely trying to focus more on moving and eating better. But I'm not going to make too many changes so I can see what weight gain I can contribute to the medication. It wasn't until I started that that I got so depressed I didn't want to move, resulting in weight gain. I know I gained weight in the 8 months I was on it. I'm hoping for a turn around in my mood, physical health, etc.

Here's to feeling better and back to my "normal" self.


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