
It's been a while since I've sat down and really thought about my goals for the next 6 months. I like to have goals, but it's been a little hectic the past year. Getting engaged, married, and buying a house in 11 months! Crazy I know, but God was in all of it. My life is far from perfect, and my walk with God hasn't been the strongest lately. I've let outside circumstances really control things, which is not like me.

So my goals for the next 6 months are a mash of a lot of things.

1. Start running AGAIN! I miss it. My body misses it. It's going to be so challenging to start again, but I need to do it.

2. Eat healthy... I've lost touch with reality. From health issues to laziness and excuses I've kind of lost touch with healthy eating. I know I eat too many carbs... But I just love them! I'm slowly working on healthier choices and with running and healthy choices I know I'll feel better about myself.

3. Get back on track with Godly habits: devotions, prayer, small group participation, engagement with church activities

4. Finish 1 bedroom and the dining room remodel :)

5. Be more social- THIS ONE WILL BE HARD! I'm social but not enough to be out going. I used to be, but I'm kind of an introvert and love just being home with my husband. But I need to be a little more social... maybe.

Well that's probably more than enough to work on over the next 6 months. So we'll see how I do. I'm going to try and blog more and keep myself accountable.


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