
A lot has happened since I last posted in April! We bought a house!!! It's a work in progress and definitely has been worth it though. We almost have our living room in one piece! Just some wainscoting and shiplap for a wall. It's been a good experience. We still have 4 rooms to work on. Some are just paint others are more wallpaper stripping 😰...

My weight loss journey hasn't been going well. I'm at a bad place where I lost sight of my new lifestyle. Today has started off much better than the past. I took the day off work. I made eggs and sausage for breakfast and am enjoying a protein shake for lunch. We have dinner plans so I'm trying to behave a little bit this morning/ afternoon so I can thoroughly enjoy dinner. I'm considering today a starting over point. It's gotta happen for me to be happy. Is it going to be hard.... Yep. But will it be worth it.... Yes!


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